Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just The Lines, M'am

I recently filled up a sketchbook of quick line drawings, giving myself a break from my moleskin which I tend to overwork and unnecessarily labor over. They're not all winners but it was a lot of fun to let myself off the hook for a bit.


Cristina {CrixCrix} said...

Is beautiful as can portray men: they are well and you see it!


gumkid said...

DUDE this is freakin AWSOME

Hedr_goblin said...

Wow, I LOVE what you're doing with that line style. Very cool!

Francis Vallejo said...

great drawings man!

Alan Rushing said...

These are so good.

Anonymous said...

Dude, these are freaking awesome! I hope you continue with this. It would be cool to see these as final illustrations....because they are that good.

Red Herring Jeff said...

Hey man! Way cool set of drawings! That last one looks like this girl from flickr that's been doing a 365 Self portrait thing this year.

Lok said...

always have love for the paintings, but these work really really well together man. wicked..

Alan said...

These studies are amazing.Are they from life, memory, photo? Seem too finished for from life

Kiri said...

they look very much like winners to me. great drawing.